Saturday, July 25, 2009

several convers in one post

me: I've always really enjoyed fabric softner smell. Like that was the only thing I liked about college, my dorm floor always smelled like fabric softner.
it was not worth the 40 grand
I do not like fabric softener that much

suibrom: haha
that's some expensive fabric softener

me: haha for real

suibrom: it better like.. go down on you while it does your laundry

me: haha who says it doesn't?
I mean it's really my hand, but the fabric softner oil on the sheet is great lube
and it makes me smell awesome down there

suibrom: haha

me: and softer, actually

me: There's an agent who works for us named Bill Pancake

suibrom: haha awesomest name ever

me: Yeah I've known about it a long time and think it's awesome
but the other day I found out we have an agent named Butterworth, and I want to like, get a petition going saying they have to go into business together

suibrom: how does your family make that change though? "Honey, I'm tired of being the Nexttowatersons. You know what I love? Fucking PANCAKES. That's our new last name. You're now Brunhilda Pancake.

me: what exactly does "doughty" mean? I think I have an idea, but I want to make sure that it's right to never want to read a book where the heroine is described on the back cover as "doughty"

suibrom: haha it means the bitch talks back and gotsta be slapped

me: okay that's what I thought

suibrom: like.. brave or

me: and it does make me want to slap them

suibrom: fearless?

me: oh well thtat's okay

suibrom: I guess is a good word fo it

me: I thought it meant like "spunky"

suibrom: I think it kind of does in that it's like "I'm gonna be brave and stand up no matter what"

which could definitely be "spunk"

me: anyone who you have to be told is spunky isn't really spunky

suibrom: and the only spunk I want in my romance novels, should be coming out of the male characters

me: haha it wasn't a romance novel, it was a fantasy novel

suibrom: same thing!

me: but yeah I was like, "doughty"? fuck that bitch

suibrom: haha

maybe it said "doughy" as in she's fat but they wanted to be nice about it

me: haha no there was a T. If it WAS doughy, I'd want to read it more, not less. I like a character I can identify with
that's why I have so many pillsbury cookbooks

suibrom: hah
I'd read a pillsbury fantasy book
put THAT in your belly button and "hee hee" about it

me: haha
that is a good phrase
maybe there's a novelization of the ghostbuster movie
that might technically be a pillsbury fantasy book
oh wait that's not the dough boy
that's stay puft marshmallow man

suibrom: I bet there are stay-puffed marshmallow man erotic fan fictions

me: same dif
haha I bet that you are their main demographic


me: "get me all sticky, marshmallow man!"
oh god, I'm going to come on your face!
then you see Staypuft's angry face

suibrom: hahah

me: hahah exactly
that's what I saw in my head when I said that
wow the conversation pretty much comes to a halt after something like that

suibrom: yeah, really.. where do you go from there?

me: no where
it can't really get funnier from there

suibrom: except maybe that that's the same face when getting it in the butt

me: but yet nothing else seems to be worth discussing after that

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