Saturday, June 2, 2007

gay bar!

Me: okay, should I or should I not message someone I want to like me with "I got something to put in you at the gay bar! Gay bar!"
Ryan: hahah
Ryan: you totally should
Me: awww, perhaps this person knew I was going to say that
Me: he left before I could message him about gay bar fun
Ryan: you could say "I wanna take you to a GAY BAR! GAY BAR!"
Ryan: and then when they go "uh what?"
Ryan: you can be like "LET"S START A WAR"
Me: wouldn't it be awesome if for a day I could only say lines from Electric Six songs?
Me: like someone calls up about a claim
Ryan: I have a feeling.. that might not work out well
Me: and I'm like, "GAY BAR GAY BAR"
Ryan: what would be even more awesome
Ryan: is if someone called up for a claim
Ryan: about a fire at the taco bell
Me: and I'd be like, "ITS MY DESIRE"
Ryan: hahahah
Ryan: yeaih I was just going to say that

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