Thursday, February 14, 2008


This one isn't funny but I found it interesting anyway

(12:43:46 PM) me: I don't like thinking about war or religion
(12:45:11 PM) me: if it's not in a John Lennon song telling me to imagine it doesn't exist, I'm not really interested
(12:46:01 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: haha man that's kind of scary
(12:46:17 PM) me: what?
(12:47:40 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: just the idea that a lot of people are that way.. "I don't want to know about any of this stuff, and if it's not someone telling me to pretend it doesn't exist, I don't want to hear it"
(12:48:38 PM) me: I'd want to know about it if I could change it
(12:48:58 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: isn't knowing about a problem the first step toward fixing it?
(12:49:44 PM) me: look, my vote really doesn't count
(12:49:59 PM) me: the only thing I could really do is get out there and protest things, and I don't have the money, time, or energy
(12:50:03 PM) me: you don't protest anything either
(12:50:43 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: I don't know that standing in front of a building with a make-shift sign that says "I DON"T LIKE THIS" really changes anything
(12:50:59 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: and I'm not sure that voting in an election that's probably rigged changes anything either
(12:51:08 PM) me: so what the hell could I change?
(12:51:12 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: but that doesn't stop me from being pissed off about it, wanting to change it, and wanting to knw what's going on
(12:51:16 PM) me: and if I can't change anything, why should I worry about it?
(12:51:18 PM) me: it's out of my hands
(12:51:49 PM) me: look if this was the german occupation and there were jews around I could help
(12:52:02 PM) me: or if I could be part of the underground railroad or something
(12:52:10 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: just because I can't think of a way to fix it doesn't mean it helps to just turn your back on it
(12:52:17 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: are you sure?
(12:52:20 PM) me: but I can't just be like, "This war is so silly, stop it."
(12:52:36 PM) me: I didn't say it helps, it just doesn't hurt either.
(12:52:42 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: What if there was something like that and you were just like "I don't have the money, time or energy"
(12:52:53 PM) me: yeah but that I'd see my results
(12:53:03 PM) me: "look there's a jewish person alive because of me"
(12:53:14 PM) me: like you say, standing in front of a building, going "I don't like this" does nothing
(12:53:26 PM) me: and like I said, you can't preach to me unless you're doing something about it either, which you aren't
(12:53:39 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: I'd say informing myself is something
(12:53:53 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: It's hard to do anything unless you know the information
(12:54:04 PM) me: yeah but I did used to know stuff
(12:54:06 PM) me: and it didn't help
(12:54:08 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: and nothing hurts a cause more than looking uninformed or stupid
(12:54:15 PM) me: so; I made an educated decision to stop knowing stuff
(12:54:23 PM) me: I'm not part of a cause though
(12:54:30 PM) me: and neither are you
(12:55:34 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: Not yet
(12:56:33 PM) me: or ever
(12:56:44 PM) me: you've been talking about this shit for years, Ryan
(12:56:52 PM) me: not once have I seen you get off your ass and do anything about it
(12:57:13 PM) me: I'm exactly the same only I don't pay attention in the first place
(12:57:19 PM) me: the net result is exactly the same
(12:58:05 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: I guess outwardly it is, but there's a difference inwardly
(12:58:13 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: and I think it's the potential for change
(12:58:20 PM) me: yeah, I'm happier than I would be if I did pay attention
(12:58:23 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: I'd rather be informed and powerless than ignorant
(12:58:41 PM) me: well then that's personal preference
(12:58:57 PM) me: anyway, inform me and all that if you ever see a way for change
(12:59:18 PM) me: but until then, when it's like, "look this is so horrible, dwell on it even though there's nothing you can change" leave me out
(12:59:59 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: I'm not saying to dwell on it
(1:01:25 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: But fair enough
(1:01:28 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: anyway enough of that