Tuesday, March 8, 2011

suibrom: I expect the most expensive prime rib and the most delicious cake in the world
me: haha
are you coming? I never came to yours :/
I didn't even send a wedding gift :/
I think I was like, "You are married?" afterwards.
suibrom: haha

suibrom: yay!
I'll try not to get drunk and ruin the whole thing ;D
me: haha you'll have to bring your own. I think we'll have a little champagne but that's about it for booze
suibrom: Yeah I'm not that worried about booze
me: I just meant if you need the booze in order to make your inappropriate outbursts, you have to bring your own
suibrom: Come on
you know me better than that
I can be inappropriate stone cold sober

me: ah the old days
I swear I'm not one of those chicks who needs a man
it's just really depressing when you get to be like 24 and no one's ever been interested. You begin to wonder what's wrong with you, and why crazy Giovanni Ribisi-like dockworkers don't want you without intervention from a guy in payroll.
suibrom: Haha
just need some extra cash to lubricate the whole process
me: haha
and tears
nature's lubricant
Sent at 3:39 PM on Tuesday
suibrom: that's right
with blood being a close second
me: word
I like vomit alright
it stings the genitals
makes me feel alive
suibrom: it tingles!
also, it's chunky for her pleasure
me: you know it
"Oooh you had hot dogs"
suibrom: haha
I love the feel of processed junk on my junk
me: hahaha
Sent at 3:44 PM on Tuesday
me: Also I find I don't need as much lube when I do a dead person. I don't know if I'm just wetter cause I'm so excited or if it's the moistness of the decaying flesh, but it's true
suibrom: Too true
there's all kinds of fluids flowing when you hit up a dead person
me: you know it

suibrom: haha no way, you're never too classy for dead hooker jokes
me: cool
suibrom: in fact I think that's a mark of high society
suibrom: poor people don't make fun of hookers and their flammability
me: haha I know
suibrom: That's purely upper-crust conversation
me: I saw a bag lady, she said NOTHING about burning hookers
suibrom: Haha see?
me: I saw a hooker and she said nothing about burning hookers
but you make like twice as much moneys as I do and it's burning hooker this, burning hooker that.
suibrom: You talk about burning hookers with poor, unclassy people and they're like "FUCK YOU HO, THAT MAH SISTAH!"
me: Also you have a bidet!
either that or I used your sink wrong
suibrom: Haha
So that's why my sink was full of beef stew when you left
That ain't beef stew, honey
suibrom: Still tasted good with some bread

Re: having sex in his bathroom:

me: also it was hilarious because I had been to your house before and there was cat poop on that same floor back then
suibrom: Haha
"man a cat totally shit here once, that really gets me going"
me: Haha I just remembered it while we were doing it, and almost laughed
suibrom: haha
me: "Hey Jeremy, do you know what also happens on this floor? Cat poop"
I still don't think I've ever told him that we did it where a cat pooped
though I think technically we did it in one other place a cat pooped before, his old bed. Not his current cat but his ex's cat that he took to a no kill shelter shortly after it pooped on his bed
suibrom: haha yeah I remember you telling me that story
Don't feel bad, pick a surface in my house and there's probably been cat poop on it
so you had pretty good odds, even if you didn't know about it
me: well I don't think I had added the sex part before. I don't think I've ever ended the story with, "And then two years later we did it on that bed."
haha awesome. So I've slept, eaten, bathed, played video games where cats have pooped
that's good because if you've only done it where a cat pooped, it's like a fetish
but if you do everyday things too, its just that you have a friend with poopy cats
suibrom: Haha
Me: I've actually done it where I've peed before, now that I think about it
suibrom: Yeah amy, that's where most people do it, but you don't really pee from there
me: Up until a couple years ago I had the bed from when I was little. There is a pee stain on that mattress from when I was three, and I think Josh and I had relations right on top of it.
Now I can feel more experianced then Jeremy at something sexual. Whereas he's done it outside and in cars and stuff I never have.
but I've done it on top of a 20 year old urine stain
suibrom: Haha
and in a bathroom where a cat pooped
me: well he did too
suibrom: true
but it's another one for the list
me: haha
suibrom: And he probably didn't know it at the time
so I think you get bonus points for that
me: oh here's something creepy: Jeremy and his ex shared a hotel room with another couple once, and they totally did it right when Jeremy and his ex were in the other bed. I guess they were polite and didn't say anything, whereas I probably would've shouted, "Having fun over there?"
true. but he knew a cat had pooped on his bed when we did it on his bed
Sent at 4:32 PM on Tuesday
suibrom: Haha
So the other couple was doing it?
but they were awake?
I had a similar situation when I was dating Tori. Mike was sleeping on my floor but tori wanted to do it
me: yup
suibrom: we were quiet though and he didn't find out about it until later
me: haha
I guess if I could sleep through it I wouldn't be mad
but if I was awake and heard someone doing it I'd probably be kind of grossed out
and/or yelling some commentary
Sent at 4:35 PM on Tuesday
me: "Get it in there, Ryan! I can tell from the noises that you are working the wrong angle."
suibrom: Hahah
me: "She likes it harder!"
"Can I join in?"
suibrom: "Need me to come over there and finish your job?"
me: hahaha
"Do I have to do everything myself?"
Sent at 4:37 PM on Tuesday
suibrom: haha
or just make loud fart noises
me: hahahahahaha
well it's basically what you deserve to hear if you're doing it with Amy in the same room anyhow
some of those "noises" are going to be real farts no matter what
suibrom: haha true
that smell is like instant anti-viagra