Saturday, September 1, 2007

racism, yay!

Suibrom: I am
Suibrom: I'm trying to find pants
Suibrom: that are suitable for the outside world
Me: where are they?
Me: I'd celebrate, personally
Suibrom: haha
Me: no pants is a perfect world
Suibrom: I can't go to dinner sporting nothing but my tighty whities
Me: haha who says?
Me: your mom?
Me: Tell her I won't fuck her in the ass anymore if she yells at you for that
Me: that'll change her tune
Suibrom: I doubt they'd give me a burrito at the mexican food place if I went in there like that
Suibrom: I mean, it's already strike two for being white and being white
Me: what mexican place are you going to?
Me: hahaa
Me: all the mexican places I go to like my pants free policy
Suibrom: yeah you're a woman
Me: hahaha
Suibrom: mexicans usually prefer vagina to wang
Me: even girl mexicans?
Suibrom: yes
Me: wow
Me: how come mexicans exist?
Me: if none of them like wang?
Me: how do they reproduce?
Suibrom: they take the wang to keep la raza alive
Me: haha
Me: is la raza the race?
Suibrom: yeah
Me: oh
Me: yeah they'd doubly hate your white man wang
Me: for being a wang AND for destroying their race
Suibrom: and yeah you're right though, mexican women love the wang
Suibrom: that's why they always have like a million kids
Me: Ryan, I do value your racist opinion :P
Suibrom: how is it racist if it's true?
Me: every mexican woman has like a million kids?
Suibrom: averaged out, yes
Me: haha
Suibrom: some have more than others
Me: the old maids are averaged out by the double million women?
Suibrom: yes
Me: good to know
Me: that even if I don't have kids
Me: there will be a mexican kid to replace me when I die

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