Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Me: and then I cry
Ryan: true :\
Me: but every time a Phoexx0r cries, and angel gets it's wings
Me: haha oh my gosh
Me: I can't remember exactluy what I used it for the other day but I did that same joke
Ryan: haha nice
Me: I think it was "every time Phoexx0r does your mom" though
Ryan: haha that's pretty close
Ryan: because Phoexx0r does cry after doing your mom
Me: they've declared open season on my mom at work
Me: like the last few days it's been a joke about Phoexx0r's mom extravaganza
Ryan: the mom jokes are flying, eh?
Ryan: I think you brought that on yourself though
Me: yeah
Ryan: you've claimed to have relations with just about everyone's mom
Me: haha sideways
Ryan: exactly
Me: it is pretty funny though
Me: becauwse I'll be like where's my clipboard
Me: "I put it in your mother."
Me: "that's where I keep most things"
Ryan: haha
Me: or I said "I concur" about something the other day
Me: and someone was like, "I concur your mother"

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