Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Dave, I can't do that

Phoemeister: so have you ever seen 2001: a space odyssey?
Sui: Yeah
Phoemeister: you know the bit that's like, "open the pod bay door hal"
Sui: yeah
Sui: I can't do that, Dave
Phoemeister: and hals like, "no, I can't dave. dave, I can't. stop it, dave.
Phoemeister: YES
Phoemeister: thanks
Phoemeister: so, I have a coworker named Dave
Phoemeister: and he'll ask me to do something
Phoemeister: and I'll be like, "I can't do that Dave. No, I can't. This is for the best, Dave. Stop it, Dave. Don't do this, Dave. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiisy, daaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiisy......"
Sui: hahaha
Sui: Nice
Phoemeister: and he doesn't get it, and once I explained it to him he still did not find it funny
Sui: I would find that funny if I worked there
Phoemeister: so this new guy named Dave started
Phoemeister: and I REALLY want to do it to him too
Phoemeister: but I am wondering if it will alienate the new one and further annoy the old Dave.

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