Wednesday, May 16, 2007

new phone

Phoemeister: I found out why my mom didn't want me to take the phone
Sui: Oh?
Phoemeister: yeah. She thinks I'm a moron who will lose it. So what she did was buy me some cheap-ass pay as you go phone today to take with me.

So on one hand I'm mad she doesn't think I can handle not losing something for a week, but on the other hand eeeeee! My own phone!
Sui: haha nice
Sui: You are a big girl now!
Phoemeister: yeah. I was going to call you up on it and fake a smoker's cough and be all, "WHY DO YOU PUT IDEAS IN MY DAUGHTERS HEAD" but I didn't think I could do it without giggling
Sui: haha
Sui: You are way too dorky to pull off the angry smoker's cough mother voice
Sui: I'd be like "Mrs. Phoe, your daughter promised I could put it in her butt if she came to visit.. it was all her idea not mine"

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