Wednesday, May 16, 2007

ray j

Phoemeister: speaking of work, this woman was a total bastard to me today
Sui: that sucks.. but that will happen
Phoemeister: Really, people are nice to me on the whole, but the last couple days I've gottne a few prize winners
Sui: gimme the good stuff
Phoemeister: anyway, I couldn't find this CD for her, so she goes and asks one of my coworkers
Phoemeister: and he tells me afterwards she complained to him about how rude I was to her
Phoemeister: when I wasn't rude to her
Sui: hm that sucks
Phoemeister: I just couldn't find a cd that was not there to find
Sui: how did she think you were rude?
Phoemeister: well, I didn't get any details, he was just like, "She told me you were all rude to her" and then I asked a few people who had been around about it later and the general consensus was "you are alright, she's just stupid"
Sui: haha okay
Phoemeister: but still. What if she'd said that to one of my managers or something?
Sui: that's good : )
Sui: well
Phoemeister: and do you know what kills me?
Sui: then hopefully your managers have the common sense to ask you
Phoemeister: all of this wasn't even over a good CD
Sui: haha
Phoemeister: she wanted to find this CD so crappy that it came out today and we only have one (I mean, we have at least two or three of even the most obscure bands) and the guy who made it is like Brandy's younger brother. So you've gotta think he's basically the Ashlee Simpson of R & B, except no one's even heard of him aside from this one bitchy middle-aged woman.
Sui: haha
Sui: did you explain that to her?
Phoemeister: no
Phoemeister: that would've been rude :P
Phoemeister: people are stupid though
Phoemeister: I mean, am I god?
Phoemeister: can I make the CD just appear?
Sui: yes!
Phoemeister: can I just pull it out of my ass and hand it to you?
Sui: that would be a neat trick
Phoemeister: well.... thanks for the vote of confidence
Sui: of cousre : )
Sui: i'm here to help
Phoemeister: yeah. It would save on money if I could just pull whatever album I wanted out of my ass. Something tells me, though, even if I could, I wouldn't pull out "Raydiation" by Ray J, Brandy's brother, of my ass.
Sui: haha
Sui: god I'd hope not.. but that would explain the quality of the album

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