Wednesday, May 16, 2007


So, I IMed several people:

Phoemeister: so I've decided that "zauberflote" is the hip new curse word
Phoemeister: discuss

here are the groundbreaking revelations these discussions unearthed:

Sui: I disagree
Sui: nothing will ever beat out "fuckshitass"
Phoemeister: well you see I didn't say it was the all time best curse word
Phoemeister: fuckshitass is a classic
Phoemeister: but the hip new curse word (popular for 3-6 months) is zauberflote
Phoemeister: how come you dont' even want to know where I got it?
Sui: I figured it was just your inner german coming out again
Phoemeister: well, Mr. Smarty Pants, it IS german. For magic flute!
Phoemeister: come on
Phoemeister: that's a great fake curse word for penis
Sui: haha
Sui: okay I can agree with that
Phoemeister: thank you!
Sui: haha not a problem : )
Phoemeister: anyway it's some Mozart opera, and we have a DVD on display of it, and every time I see it I want to be like, "Zauberflote!!!"
Sui: yeah I've heard of it in english
Sui: didn't realize that was the geerman for it
Phoemeister: well I saw zauberflote
Phoemeister: on the package
Phoemeister: and the little tag we have that has the artist had mozart on it
Phoemeister: and it was with a bunch of operas
Phoemeister: and flote kind of looks like flute
Phoemeister: so I came to the conclusion that it was probably the magic flute
Sui: haha
Sui: Good call

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