Wednesday, May 16, 2007

anger ham

BDN: well, I'm trying to cut up a ham in the kitchen so I have to hear you talk cause I can't see it with my glasses on
Me: I wish you had a webcam
Me: I really would liek to see the BDN cutting ham cam
BDN: well, I am using a knife so it's not very exciting... efficient - yes, skilled - yes, intricate and controlled - yes, exciting- not so much
Me: aww
Me: I guess I would have to wait till you're angry
Me: mixed in with hooker entrails
BDN: everywhere but neatly cubed
Me: haha
Me: you're right, your anger IS magic
Me: your anger makes perfectly cubed ham and hooker entrails
BDN: exactly
Me: haha I see this in my head and it is HILARIOUS

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