Monday, May 21, 2007

greatest hits

Phoemeister: did you read it?
Phoemeister: or were you too busy stripping?
Suibrom: Well I'm always stripping
Suibrom: so I've learned to mult-task
Suibrom: but I've yet to read
Phoemeister: lol
you jerk
Phoemeister: it's been like 10 minutes. I could even read it while stripping in that time.
Phoemeister: and I'm not near as experienced as you
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: You laugh, but I don't see you reading
Phoemeister: It's not that great or anything, but now that you won't read it, I feel the need to make you
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: so pushy!
Suibrom: rarr!
Suibrom: I'm reading! : )
Phoemeister: oh, you like it
Phoemeister: you love them pushy
Suibrom: hahah.. maybe a little bit
Phoemeister: if a little bit means, "I like to be whipped while she makes me clean the floor with my tongue," then yes. You like it a little bit.
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: It depends what's on the floor
Phoemeister: Week old potato chips
Suibrom: ew
Suibrom: what about whipped cream or chocolate syrup?
Suibrom: or maybe pancake syrup
Phoemeister: hey, they're just stale, not mouldy or anything
Phoemeister: though I don't even like chips when they're fresh
Phoemeister: so I don't know
Phoemeister: I was trying to be nice, though, because my first answer was "the usual gunk that's on the floor when it needs cleaning."
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: well yeah that wouldn't be that sexy at all
Suibrom: see.. you need to work on this
Phoemeister: Well you're machochistic. You're supposed to like licking up whatever I tell you to.
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: yes mistress
Phoemeister: see. Now you've worked on it, and we're good :P
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: but I didn't get whipped!
Phoemeister: whatever. You're too whiney. I don't know if I'll whip you at all, now.
Suibrom: aww
Suibrom: Please mistress may I have another?!
Phoemeister: I'll whip you if you tell me you read the thing I told you to, and what it's about
Suibrom: I read the whole thing and wht it's about
Phoemeister: tell me what it's about, you smartass :P
Phoemeister: sum it up
Suibrom: the wizard of id!
Phoemeister: Oz, even
Phoemeister: close enough
Phoemeister: Phoemeister: I'm listening to music and telling a guy if i'll whip him or not :P
thefallenvision: ???
thefallenvision: what guy> *wink wink, nudge nudge*
Phoemeister: lol, a friend of mine. It's pretty much joking.
thefallenvision: ah
Phoemeister: But I thought, hey, Ryan's a perv, I'm sure he'd love hearing about it :P
Phoemeister: I talk about you with people :P
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: oh really?
Phoemeister: didn't you read that?
Phoemeister: I told someone about the whipping
Phoemeister: a guy named Ryan
Phoemeister: who actually IS a perv, btw
Phoemeister: but I told him I was just joking after that
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: did he get all excited about it?/
Phoemeister: no, he just got mad that I called him a perv
Phoemeister: He's like, "I'm not a perv! Well, not a huuuge perv."
Suibrom: haha sounds like me
Phoemeister: nah. He's not pervy in a good way. Or even in a pervy way. He's pervy in a desperate way.
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: And i'm pervy in what kind of way?
Phoemeister: He hits on me a million times a minute when he hasn't gotten any in awhile
Phoemeister: You're pervy in an amusing way
Phoemeister: your pervyness makes me laugh
Suibrom: haha wel that's good
Phoemeister: and I enjoy it
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: good!
Phoemeister: so way to be pervy in a good way
Suibrom: well thanks : )
Suibrom: I do my best
Phoemeister: so anyway, he twists everything I say into a sexual innuendo. But not a clever one. More like, beavis and butthead. "ha ha, you said wood."
Suibrom: haha you said beavis
Phoemeister: which, by the way, I'm totally creepy, because on Christmas morning, my mom said something about leaving through the backdoor, and I was totally like, "Ha ha, she said backdoor."
Phoemeister: I just remembered that I did that
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: you're a creepy perv!
Phoemeister: best kind, biotch
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: you need a molester van
Phoemeister: ROFLMAO
Phoemeister: now who's creepy?
Suibrom: and a moustach
Phoemeister: the story behind it is we actually WERE talking about Beavis and Butthead right before then. My sister has a baby, and her friend's baby totally developed a Beavis and Butthead laugh, and she was worrying that her kid would do that too.
Phoemeister: still
Phoemeister: very creepy
Suibrom: haha that's scary
Phoemeister: the baby, or me?
Suibrom: the baby
Phoemeister: ah
Phoemeister: well I've never heard it. It's a rumor, as far as I'm concerned
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: so did you like it? The thing I made you read? I just can't let it go.
Phoemeister: does that image make you laugh as much as it makes me laugh?
Phoemeister: I nnnnnnneeeeed to know
Suibrom: haha yeah I'm trying to picture it in my mind (People dressed up as things from the wizard of oz seriously rocking out to the song Home by Breaking Benjamin)
Phoemeister: you need the song
Phoemeister: though I suppose you could picture it with any hard rock song
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: yeah
Phoemeister: picture it to "Chop Suey"
Suibrom: haha that's good
Suibrom: but the guy would actually have to be a midget
Phoemeister: The guy with the braided beard would look awesome dressed up as dorothy
Phoemeister: He could just kneel or something
Phoemeister: or "Smells Like Teen Spirit."

Man, this is more fun than picturing it with the actual song
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: that would be awesome
Phoemeister: or "Bohemian Rhapsody"
Phoemeister: I see a little sillhouetto of a man
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: especially the rocking out part
Phoemeister: whenever someone doesn't like a certain food, I say "More for me." Only instead of saying it normal, I sing the "for me!" like in Bohemian Rhapsody.
Phoemeister: I just thought you'd find that amusing.
Suibrom: haha that's pretty funny
Suibrom: like at thanksgiving? : )
Phoemeister: yeah
Phoemeister: I'm like, "More mashed potatos for me! for me!"
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: I'd like to see that
Phoemeister: it is pretty awesome
Phoemeister: I'm hoping to make it catch on
Suibrom: I'll start teh trend with you
Suibrom: because I will totally rock out afterwards
Suibrom: like in the song
Suibrom: For meee.. for meeee efor meeeeeeee *rocks out*
Phoemeister: Oh yah
Phoemeister: thanks for the help
Suibrom: I just need to make sure not to get potato in my eye when i'm rocking out
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: yeah, that would not be rockin
Phoemeister: freddie mercury doesn't get potatoes in HIS eyes
Phoemeister: heh, I added part of our conver to it
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: freddy had a child-molster moustache though
Phoemeister: ROFLMAO
Phoemeister: well, we're both pervs, we could do worse than the 'stache
Suibrom: I'd have a moustace over my crotch
Phoemeister: ROFLMAO
Phoemeister: remember the scrotee?
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: yes!
Suibrom: the scrotee will live on!
Phoemeister: you love to mention the kinds of hair yo're going to grow in the bathing suit area
Suibrom: haha well I mostly just love my no-no-special place in general
Phoemeister: lol, I'm sure you do, especialy considering how many euphemisms you make up about it
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: my naughty zone is not a laughing matter!
Phoemeister: I have the scrotee conver saved on the family computer, btw. It's a ticking time bomb, my mom's going to find it, and put me in an institution.
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: or fly me out there to give your dad a trim!
Phoemeister: naughty zone.... that's what, the 80th?
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: ew
Suibrom: 3,406
Phoemeister: awesome
Suibrom: indeed!
Phoemeister: come up with another
Suibrom: my Baby Juice Rocket Launch pad?
Phoemeister: ROFLMAO
Phoemeister: you crack me up
Suibrom: indeed!
Suibrom: Speakign of crack
Phoemeister: need some? I know people..
Phoemeister: or were you going to talk of your ass crack?
Suibrom: I dunno.. which would you prefer?
Suibrom: You see.. I aim to please
Suibrom: especially when crack is involved
Phoemeister: How about doing crack off of someone's ass crack?
Suibrom: As long as they'd wiped some time in the recent past
Suibrom: I like my crack smooth, not chunky style
Phoemeister: Of course. Hygiene is very important when you're doing crack off of someone's crack
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: that's so sick
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: I might eb getting into sicko-perv there
Phoemeister: that's why you're a perv I can get behind. So to speak ;-)
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: That's okay, I prefer to be on bottom anyway
Phoemeister: see, I can be sick too
Phoemeister: lol
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: but I still pull out the trump!
Suibrom: And I don't mean donald
Suibrom: and no.. that's note a euphemism for my penis
Phoemeister: rembember the sick conversation we had about Trump? This is like a greatest hits conversation.
Suibrom: not, even.
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: Totally!
Phoemeister: if it's not donald, or your penis, what is trump?
Suibrom: We've been having conversations for years now!
Suibrom: it's about time we had a greatest hits convo
Phoemeister: yeah
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: true. We're the U2 of people having conversations with each other
Suibrom: haha nice
Phoemeister: staying power
Suibrom: That explains why our topics are always so Bono
Phoemeister: LOL, that was the worst pun ever
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: you love it1
Phoemeister: but I can't blame you, Bono doesn't offer himself to many good puns
Phoemeister: Of course I do
Suibrom: trump1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trmp)
A suit in card games that outranks all other suits for the duration of a hand. Often used in the plural.
A card of such a suit.
A trump card.
A key resource to be used at an opportune moment.

Phoemeister: I wish I could come up with a bad "The Edge" pun, but I'm not as cool as you
Suibrom: . trumped, trump·ing, trumps
v. tr.
Games. To take (a card or trick) with a trump.
To get the better of (an adversary or competitor, for example) by using a crucial, often hidden resource
Phoemeister: Oh. I thought you were using it as a euphemism for something. I actually do know what the word Trump means
Suibrom: My sex jokes are hardly "often hidden" resources.. but they definitely get the best of you!
Phoemeister: They're on "the edge" Haq
Phoemeister: ha, even
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: I did pull it off after all
Suibrom: brilliant!
Phoemeister: thanks
Phoemeister: I was quite pleased
Phoemeister: I don't know any of the other people from U2's names, though
Phoemeister: so our well runneth dry
Suibrom: I was trying to look them up : P
Phoemeister: lol
Phoemeister: Okay, tell me what they are, so if you do make puns about them, I get them
Suibrom: haha arrite
Suibrom: I need to find them
Phoemeister: Otherwise you're like, "That's a real 'tom stevenson,' if you know what I mean" and I'm like wha?
Phoemeister: Tom Stevenson is a name I made up, btw
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: feel free to use it as an alter ego
Suibrom: yeah I got that
Suibrom: I'll use it as an alter ego alright
Phoemeister: I figured, but i can't be sure with you. You're a bit slow.
Suibrom: i em nut zlo
Phoemeister: Touché
Suibrom: i em zpushul
Phoemeister: you dork
Suibrom: Why yes, yes I do
Phoemeister: >:o
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: no no.. it's more like this : =-O
Phoemeister: you sick perv
Suibrom: Adam Clayton, bass
Bono, vocals
Larry Mullen, Jr., drums
The Edge, guitar
Suibrom: I'll show you sick when I give you a Larry Mullen, Jr.
Suibrom: And you'll be all surprised..
Suibrom: but you'll be greatful that at least it wasn't an Adam Clayton
Suibrom: :D
Suibrom: Bam! Put that in your tom stevenson and smoke it!
Suibrom: Man and you're not even listening
Suibrom: or you got disconnected or something
Phoemeister: ROFLMAO
Phoemeister: no
Phoemeister: I love it
Phoemeister: the last bit with tom stevenson is the best
Phoemeister: I'm totally going to use phrases with Tom Stevenson or obscure members of U2 around people now, just so they're like, "are you on crack?"
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: I think "put that in your tom stevenson and smoke it" is just pure gold
Phoemeister: me too
Suibrom: I had to stifle a hearty chortle with that one
Phoemeister: Really, I'm going to use that, and then try to convince people it's a real phrase
Phoemeister: Man. I also love the phrase "stifle a hearty chortle"
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: chortle is a word that's not used near enough
Suibrom: I'm just full of comedic genius tonight
Phoemeister: you are
Suibrom: I need to deprive myself of sleep more often
Suibrom: and spend 9 hours in a uhaul :P
Phoemeister: lol
Phoemeister: I should be in bed
Suibrom: attempting to not catapult my car on the trailer behind it into space
Phoemeister: but I'd rather discuss ways of getting "put that in your tom stevenson and smoke it!" and "more mashed potatoes for me! for me!" to catch on with you
Phoemeister: that sounds scary
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: Idneed, but it'll be our little scary secret
Suibrom: like the real spelling of the word indeed
Phoemeister: real spelling of what word?
Suibrom: "indeed"
Phoemeister: ah
Phoemeister: I like indeed
Suibrom: Indeed, I too like indeed
Phoemeister: but idneed is fresh and new. You might say, it's on "the edge."
Phoemeister: bam!
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: I just keep tossing them out!
Phoemeister: Gold
Phoemeister: gold, Jerry!
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: Indeed!
Phoemeister: Put that in your Tom Stevenson and smoke it!
Suibrom: You sure caught me with Adam Clayton out on that one
Phoemeister: You know it!
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: stop staring!
Phoemeister: I'm totally going to scream "put that in your tom stevenson and smoke it!" very loudly in public places until I meet someone actually named that, and then I'm going to try and make him join U2
Suibrom: hahahh
Suibrom: What's going to be the best..
Phoemeister: Do you mean "that's"?
Phoemeister: Oh
Suibrom: is using them all at once.. like.. "The best thing was when I got my Harry Mullen, Jr. Bono'ed on The Edge of my Adam Clayton"
Phoemeister: Tom Stevenson can be our Reinhold Messner
Phoemeister: ROFLMAO
Phoemeister: That IS the best
Suibrom: hahah see!
Suibrom: I think "Harry Mullen, Jr." is one of the best penis euphemisms yet.
Phoemeister: (I.E. if you have the album The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner, there's a note in the liner that says one of the band members made up the name. Only it turns out a guy named Reinhold Messner was actually semi famous for climbing everest or something)
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: and that's out of the like 3,000 you have already
Suibrom: Like.. those weird phrases that your grandparents utter
Phoemeister: Yeah
Suibrom: like.. "I better get out of the gold before I freeze my harry mullen, jr. off."
Suibrom: er.. cold
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: Tom Stevenson called, he want's his haircut back
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: You could use that on anyone with a lame haircut, and they'd never know
Suibrom: they'd feel all inseucre
Suibrom: insecure
Suibrom: because they'd think they were doubly lame for having a lame haircut.. and not being cool enough to know who tom stevenson was
Phoemeister: ".....really? That bad? Tom Stevenson's hair IS pretty bad. It's from beeing put in a pipe and smoked so many times"
Phoemeister: LOL yeah
Phoemeister: double whammy
Suibrom: One of my favorite maneuvers
Phoemeister: with your Harry Mullen jr.?
Phoemeister: now I'm going to google Tom Stevenson
Suibrom: haha indeed
Suibrom: hahah that sounds kinky ; )
Phoemeister: You know it
Phoemeister: It gets my Adam Clayton off
Suibrom: You keep both hands on the keyboard, young lady!
Suibrom: you can google your tom stevenson when you go to bed
Phoemeister: There's a guy named Tom Stevenson who writes wine books, according to google
Suibrom: haha interesting
Phoemeister: that's so lame, but not so lame it's funny
Phoemeister: Tom Stevenson let me down
Phoemeister: I hoped he was cool
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: i dunno
Phoemeister: screw it, I'm still going to use the phrase, despite wine guy's lameness
Suibrom: "Tom stevenson" in images gave me this
Suibrom: and this! tevenson.jpg
Phoemeister: roflmao
Suibrom: whoa!
Suibrom: Name: Tom Stevenson
Graduated: Spring 1987
Company: PSEG
Employment Title:
Address: 1032 Hedding-Jacksonville Road
Bordentown, NJ 08505
Home Phone:
Cell Phone: 973-430-8764
Pledge Class: Spring 1985
Family Tool: Screwdriver

Suibrom: call him up!
Phoemeister: Karate tom stevenson is a tom stevenson I'd be proud to put in my pipe and smoke it
Phoemeister: DUDE
Phoemeister: you call him up
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: I don't call new jersey.
Phoemeister: LOL
Suibrom: Too many bad memories there
Phoemeister: I don't think my parents would appreciate being woke up by my phoning Tom Stevenson
Suibrom: never you mind that I've never been there
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: I totally want to write him a letter, though.
Suibrom: But you'll google your tom stevenson all night, eh?
Suibrom: seems a little hypocritical
Suibrom: hhahahaha!@#!@$%
Phoemeister: "Are you comfortable that I tell people to "put that in their Tom Stevenson and smoke it!""?
Suibrom: no no
Suibrom: this is it
Suibrom: the tom stevenson
Phoemeister: ROFLMAO
Phoemeister: it's the same guys as in the karate one
Suibrom: yeah maybe
Suibrom: but thatp icture is 120 times better
Phoemeister: but I do enjoy the pink background, bemused expression of child molester moustache, the bizarre thing on his shirt, and the true graininess of someone wiht a crappy scanner.
Suibrom: this whole page!
Suibrom: it's full of beautiful gems!
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: *falls over*
Phoemeister: we need to put out shirts with that picture, and underneath it says, "Put that in your Tom Stevenson and smoke it!"
Suibrom: hahahaha
Suibrom: brilliant!
Suibrom: I think I stumbled into one of those "" pages
Phoemeister: lol. And I do appreciate the dorkier one of the two (assuming the labeling goes left to right) IS tom stevenson
Suibrom: we need a picture of that guy on a t-shirt
Phoemeister: we DO
Phoemeister: don't you have a cafe press store?
Suibrom: haha yeah
Phoemeister: I beg of you, to put that on a shirt with "Put that in your Tom Stevenson and smoke it!" and I'll totally buy it
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: ooh, 1800's Tom Stevenson. Still, with the 'stache
Phoemeister: ahh! Scary wig Tom Stevenson
Phoemeister: this is the best
Suibrom: g
Phoemeister: I bet this is the wine book Tom Stevenson from before
Suibrom: yeah i think it is
Phoemeister: he looks sinister
Suibrom: and gay
Phoemeister: LOL
Suibrom: haha what the..
Suibrom: I think that old man has decided that his Harry Mullen, Jr. gets all the ribbons
Phoemeister: Oh, btw: I know you haven't seen Napoleon Dynamite (but you should), but I'm telling you, the people from the pink picture totally belong in that world. (everyone's a bit off, and there's a plethora of bad staches and hairdos)
Suibrom: aaaactually
Suibrom: Guess what I got for christmas
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: YAY
Phoemeister: Do you love it as much as I do?
Suibrom: haha it was pretty flippin' funny
Phoemeister: Maybe the poodle is Tom Stevenson
Phoemeister: Why the flip was grandma at the sandunes?
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: Whatever I feel like, Gosh!
Phoemeister: Tina, you fat lard!
Phoemeister: Eeeeeat
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: anyway, Tom Stevenson's face reminds me of Napoleon's older brother
Suibrom: There were some pretty good deleted scenes ; )
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: "Peace out"
Phoemeister: oooh. Well I plan on buying it soon :D
Phoemeister: you have the worst reflexes of all time!
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: I"m training to be a cage fighter
Suibrom: come down here and see what happens when you try ot hit me
Phoemeister: Girls like guys with skills! Like hacking skills
Suibrom: haha you should probably come get your stuff out of my locker because I can't fit my nunchucks in
Phoemeister: It's a liger. Pretty much my favorite animal. Because of its magical properties
Phoemeister: I love the line about the 'chuks!
Phoemeister: How will you get her to go out with you? I'm going to build her a cake!
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: "build"
Suibrom: that's a great line
Phoemeister: indeed
Suibrom: Are you drinking 1% beacuse you think you're fat?
Phoemeister: because you're not
Phoemeister: you could totally be drinking whole!
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: "Do you want to look like this?"
Suibrom: *hands you a glamore shot*
Phoemeister: Imagine you're floating in a sea, and little seahorses come up to you...
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: one of the best lines in the deleted scenes.. they're playing kickball
Phoemeister: I made like infinity of those at camp
Suibrom: and napoleon starts talking shit to the idiot blonde guy
Phoemeister: oooh, that sounds good. Kickball is scary for nerds
Phoemeister: who tried to take his 'tots?
Phoemeister: "dude, give me some tots!"
Suibrom: and he's like "do you want to die napoleon" and he says "Yeah right, who's the only one here who knows secret ninja moves from the government"
Phoemeister: ROFLMAO
Suibrom: no no!
Suibrom: the other guy
Phoemeister: I can't remember the other guy
Suibrom: Summer's boyfriend or whatever
Phoemeister: oh
Phoemeister: It's been like six months since i saw it
Suibrom: Can I get one of those buttons?
Suibrom: *Chucks it down the hall*
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: and runs away
Phoemeister: doesn't he?
Suibrom: haha yeah
Phoemeister: like a girl
Suibrom: haha he runs so funny
Phoemeister: I also love Pedro's cousins
Phoemeister: and how they become enforcers
Suibrom: hahah yeah
Phoemeister: "that's my ride"
Suibrom: "Pedro offers you his protection"
Phoemeister: yeah
Phoemeister: that's the line I was trying to think of
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: Pedro offers you his protection would also make a great T shirt, if it didn't infringe on copyright
Suibrom: "..and then I realized that it was my hair that was making my head hot so I when to the kitchen and shaved it off"
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: and the wig they gave him
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: beautiful
Phoemeister: from glamor shots
Suibrom: it looks like a medievil warrior!
Phoemeister: I don't remember that line
Suibrom: when they give him the wgi
Phoemeister: well I figured
Suibrom: wig too
Phoemeister: grandma said you should leave, because you're eating all our steaks and ruining our lives and stuff
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: it's great when he hit his van with an orange
Phoemeister: yeah
Phoemeister: does he run away like a girl again?
Suibrom: haha he runs away and climbs over the fence
Suibrom: after getting tackled
Phoemeister: I thought so
Suibrom: yeah hehe
Phoemeister: aaanyways, I'd love to reminisce more about ND, but I have to go to bed now
Phoemeister: and google my Tom Stevenson
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: Well i'm going to go bono my harry mullen jr. then
Suibrom: Sleep wlel : )
Suibrom: well
Phoemeister: Man, that's so Adam Clayton of you
Phoemeister: Night
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: night : )

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