Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Me: I hope people appreciate all the work I'm doing to conceal the squalor I live in from them
Ryan: haha
Ryan: I will enjoy hanging out in your covered squalor next month
Me: haha
Me: yeah, I'll have to do it all over again
Me: stupid.......Ryan. Keeping me from living in squalar
Ryan: haha
Me: I love squalor!
Me: you think you're too good for squalor?
Me: too bad!
Me: just because your place was serial killer clean does not mean we all want to live like that
Ryan: haha
Ryan: you love it
Me: well I love killing
Me: but I secretly want to be caught
Me: so I'm very messy and leave evidence

Me: I'm beginning to feel like I moved out just so I could sit around in the dark in my underwear
Ryan: yeah it's awesome isn't it?
Ryan: i'm naked right now!
Me: I've also decided I have to have a rockin' playlist for my party
Me: but I'm also so lazy that I don't feel like doing it
Me: I just want to sit in the dark in my underwear listening to Say Anything
Me: maybe I can overtake the crepey guy in my building in creepyness
Ryan: that's not that creepy
Me: I dunno. I was thinking the Say Anything was the creepy bit
Me: Alive With the Glory of Love is pretty weird
Me: and the one about killing little girls
Me: haha, for my party I should just have all my creepiest songs
Phoemeister: Goodbye Horses
John Wayne Gacy
Alive With the Glory of Love
Bad Touch
Sex Type Thing
Ryan: and sit around in your underwear?
Me: yeah
Ryan: sounds like my kind of party!
Me: well we can do that when you come
Ryan: haha awesome
Ryan: I will bring my special underwear just in case
Phoemeister: you mean "good times, great nuts"?
Ryan: these are the ones that have the crotch and the ass cut out
Ryan: so it's basically just a waistband
Me: niiiice.
Me: I didn't know those were your special ones
Me: I thought they were all like that
Me: that's what you wear every time you're on Cops, anyway
Ryan: it's true
Ryan: that and the torn up wifebeater
Ryan: and that eyepatch
Me: that's what you should wear at the airport when we pick you up
Ryan: that would be awesome
Ryan: bring your parents too

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