Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Me: so I invited my neighbors to tron
Me: they seemed weirded out but still said yes
Ryan: haha
Ryan: arrite
Me: "I'm having a few people over to watch tron"
Me: "Tron?"
Me: "yeah"
Me: "what's tron?"
Me: "you haven't heard of Tron?"
Me: "Oh wait it's a really old movie isn't it?"
Me: "Uh, from the 80's"
Ryan: haha
Ryan: they suck worse than you
Ryan: at least you've heard of it
Me: Then I hear him conferring with the other one, "Uh, do you want to come to Phoexx0r's on thursday?"
Me: then he's like, "Okay."
Me: I think he had heard of tron, I just caught him off gaurd
Me: because he wasn't expecting anything tron related to happen to him today
Ryan: haha
Ryan: that would catch you off guard indeed

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