Wednesday, May 16, 2007

time for sleep

Ryan: I found that if I just comb the sides of my hair
Ryan: it looks like I have a mullet
Ryan: and I had to take a picture
Me: "looks"
Ryan: haha
Me: you have a mullet and you're in denial

Me: no I was pretty annoyed, like some people left early, and they were all the people sitting by me
Me: so I was like left by myself
Me: but I was still sitting by Explosion
Me: and I was complaining about it to him
Me: and the friend of his said, "you're like an island out there"
Me: and I was like, "more of a peninsula, i still have Explosion"
Me: then I turned to Explosion and said, "you're my isthmus, buddy!"
Ryan: hahah
Me: see I can make clean weird jokes too'
Me: which is why I don't understand why none of the people at my new job like my clean jokes
Ryan: because they have no personalities
Ryan: That's part of the security procedure of walking through the doors
Ryan: All personality is removed
Me: how come they missed mine?
Ryan: well they fucked up your security badge didn't they?
Me: hahahah
We're at an impasse here, maybe we should compromise. 12:34 PM 0 comments

the man who never returned
Ryan: It sounds like you work in some top secret government facility
Ryan: with crazy hallway mazes and security cards
Me: haha jesus I feel like it sometimes
Me: I spent another 10 minutes wandering around trying to find the right room on the way in today
Ryan: haha
Me: and every time I go through that revolving door I expect it to stop me and trap me
Ryan: maybe it will help your sense of direction
Ryan: haha
Me: haha or completely kill it so badly that I'm left wandering the cubes of the office forever
Me: like that one Kingston Trio song about the man who gets stuck on the train forever cause he doesn't have the money to get off
Me: and his stupid wife brings him sandwiches every day instead of a nickel
Ryan: haha
Ryan: only your stupid wife will bring you tuna helper
Me: you're a great friend
Ryan: Haha
Ryan: I try
Me: Dang, I gotta find a lesbian who makes tuna helper now
Ryan: haha you totally should

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