Monday, May 21, 2007

this is long but worth it

Phoemeister: anyway, I'm well aware that I do not have good hair. I
grow it out with the sole intention of spiting my mother.
Suibrom: ohaha
Phoemeister: And I just give in and cut a whole bunch off every so
often because I hate brushing it
Suibrom: that works
Phoemeister: seriously though, she hates it so much
Suibrom: what would she prefer? just shave your head?
Phoemeister: no, like a crazy ass shag with sideburns like she has
Phoemeister: and that I sported K-6
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: ew
Suibrom: perm!
Phoemeister: that's what I'm saying
Phoemeister: eh.... I didn't mean perm
Suibrom: sporting the white girl fro!
Phoemeister: though I did have a perm at one time
Suibrom: I'm glad I didn't know you then
Suibrom: because you'd hate me
Phoemeister: like.... Florence Henderson on the brady bunch has a shag
Suibrom: for making fun of you
Phoemeister: only neither my mom or I had the longish bit
Suibrom: haha gotcha
Phoemeister: well I think you would've at least come up with better
insultes than the stupid kids at my grade school
Phoemeister: "hee hee it looks like you stuck your finger in a light socket."

"not really."
Phoemeister: actually what I think we had was the pixie cut
Phoemeister: this would be my mom if she was fatter:
Phoemeister: also she doesn't use hairspray, it pretty much lays flat
Suibrom: ew :\
Phoemeister: EXACTLY
Suibrom: that woman looks angry too
Phoemeister: so that's why I wear my hair as long as possible
Suibrom: and like she probably has a bad smoker's voice
Phoemeister: even though that doesn't look that good either
Phoemeister: I know
Phoemeister: when I saw that picture I was like, "if my mom wore a ton
of makeup and was slighly more masculine, and skinnier, that would be
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: I laugh because I hear you saying that in my head
Suibrom: haha yeah
Phoemeister: this is kind of how my mom has it, no spikes. And you
can see the weirdass sideburns more clearly in that picture:
Suibrom: yeah I think only some chicks can pull that off
Phoemeister: my mom is not one of them
Suibrom: and definitely not.. women of larger stature
Phoemeister: neither could I as a child
Suibrom: I think short hair on fat chicks just makes them look.. fatter
Phoemeister: and that's considering kids are more pixish
Suibrom: in that picture you just sent, I can kinda see a little
nipple poking out there
Suibrom: so that one is okay
Phoemeister: haha, I hadn't thought about it. I've never seen my mom
with any haircut but that
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: I dunno, apparently that picture was in hello magazine,
so I'm thinking she's a british celebrity of some sort
Phoemeister: yeah, there's definately nipple there
Suibrom: yeah
Phoemeister: I am so bored I actually went back to check after you said that
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: and/or I love nipple that much
Suibrom: I think you just love nipple
Phoemeister: I BEAT YOU TO IT
Suibrom: yeah actually I didn't say that until I'd seen what yo utyped
Suibrom: I was just agreeing with you
Phoemeister: oh
Phoemeister: so several photos I found for that cut were from a wig website
Phoemeister: so now I am looking at wigs
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: wow, there's this one on the front that is so fake
Suibrom: thinking of just shaving it all off and getting a wig?
Phoemeister: that would be nice, I hate my hair
Phoemeister: only I would hate wigs too
Phoemeister: I don't like hats
Phoemeister: a wig would suck even more
Suibrom: yeah but that would be freaky to be getting it on with some
chick, and her hair came off
Phoemeister: so I think that scary woman I showed you first was raquel welch
Phoemeister: well I think she would try and make sure it was securely
fastened before getting it on with you
Phoemeister: she resents that you would mention that to her!
Phoemeister: barely a year after the chemo!
Suibrom: haha just with me?
Phoemeister: other guys it's like, "whatever let the wigs fall as they may"
Suibrom: what if i like pulling hair when I get it on?
Phoemeister: but you're special
Phoemeister: haha
Phoemeister: well then maybe you shouldn't get it on with someone wearing a wig
Suibrom: well then, I guess the girls I get it on with better never have cancer
Phoemeister: seriously, isn't this the fakest wig you've ever seen?
Phoemeister: haha, you're a jerk :P
Suibrom: haha yeah
Suibrom: that does look pretty fake
Phoemeister: the woman's face looks kind of fake too though
Phoemeister: so I guess it goes
Suibrom: maybe the whole head is fake
Phoemeister: it's also supposed to be a rachel do, I can tell
Phoemeister: yeah, the scary woman is definately raquel welch
Phoemeister: she's all over this site
Phoemeister: for you
Phoemeister: when you get chemo
Phoemeister: she's had so much plastic surgery that she looks like a
predatory animal now
Phoemeister: ooooh, if I buy now I can get a free wig pick
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: I want the "jackie" wig
Suibrom: on that page
Suibrom: or maybe the one at the top
Phoemeister: there's a jackie wig on the guy page?
Phoemeister: HAHA
Phoemeister: it's a mullet
Phoemeister: did I tell you that a customer with a mullet came up to
me while I was wearing the mulletproof tee shirt and said "shame on
you"? :P
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: geez, why so many mullet wigs?
Phoemeister: by the way the dude who is modeling the jackie totally
looks like mike
Suibrom: I might go for the "Ron" if the moustache comes with it
Phoemeister: you should ask him what he's been up to in between
nailing his mom and rottweilers
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: and the chin dimple
Suibrom: yeah of course
Suibrom: that comes standard
Suibrom: that guy totally looks like a news caster
Phoemeister: yeah
Phoemeister: don't you think Jackie looks like mike?
Phoemeister: or am I totally crazy
Phoemeister: I only ever saw mike once
Suibrom: hmm kind of
Suibrom: I think maybe my mind is too distracted by the mullet
Phoemeister: you're right though, a lot of the guy wigs look like they
should be telling me that I'm worthless and then giving me poor
directions to high school basketball games
Phoemeister: haha
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: worst
arrangement of hair for a hair picture ever
Phoemeister: it looks like the hair's trying to strangle her
Phoemeister: or take over the brain
Phoemeister: what little is left
Phoemeister: the vacant look says the hair has already won
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: "I... Like... hair..."
Phoemeister: lol
Phoemeister: if that's not the original picture I showed you
Suibrom: haha it's not
Phoemeister: I think it's hilarious there's two of her that angry
Suibrom: it's close though

she looks happy but still strangely horrible in that one too
Suibrom: yeah still really bad
Suibrom: ""

Phoemeister: lol
Phoemeister: she looks so sad....
Phoemeister: POWER!!!
Suibrom: wouldn't you be if that thing was attacking your head?
Phoemeister: touche

Phoemeister: hah
Phoemeister: I love how the one I just showed you, power, is facing
this one, so it looks like they're looking at each other:
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: brilliant
Suibrom: "Don't look at me marcy"
Phoemeister: I wonder if the guy who put this page together did that
on purpose because he hates his job
Phoemeister: lol
Phoemeister: marcy is definately into Raquel
Phoemeister: and then right next to that is fancy free!
Phoemeister: I love that face she's making
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: that is so lame
Phoemeister: I would not describe it as fancy free
Suibrom: more like "someone just got fancy free in my ass"
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: I love this website

I would call that one evil genius.
Suibrom: I'd agree, or at least evil henchman
Phoemeister: I'd get this one just to tell people I got the Scorpio
Suibrom: it's scary though
Phoemeister: Raquel Welch is more scary than anything ever:
Phoemeister: Isabeele? What the hell kind of name is that?
Phoemeister: most of these women have the names of cheap strippers
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: this one says, "my husband and children left me because I
focused too hard on my career"
Phoemeister: this is the least bad picture of her so far, but she
still is like, "I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL."
Phoemeister: heh, I know you love perms so much.....
Suibrom: ew : ()
Phoemeister: haha
Phoemeister: proof
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: scariness
Suibrom: yeah that is scary
Suibrom: it's like.. the same wig
Suibrom: only on a black chick
Suibrom: and now it's "motown"
Phoemeister: I know!
Phoemeister: it's still better than this one
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: SHE'S A MAN, BABY!
Suibrom: I think most of them have been men
Phoemeister: true
Phoemeister: aw, I'm so tempted to sign you up for the wig newsletter
Suibrom: strange.. I'm so tempted to stab you in the clavicle
Phoemeister: that's a bone
Suibrom: that's right
Suibrom: so you know I'm gonna stab hard
Phoemeister: haha
Phoemeister: I love how offensive this page is:
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: especially the al sharpton dude on the white mannequin
Phoemeister: actually they're all on white mannequins
Phoemeister: and they're all ugly
Suibrom: I totally want the "samurai wig"
Suibrom: or.. "oriental guy"
Phoemeister: haha, it's so fake
Phoemeister: yeah, I like oriental guy
Phoemeister: only he's white
Phoemeister: and obsessed with star wars
Phoemeister: I like how better geisha is not better at all
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: or "japanese beast"
Phoemeister: haha
Phoemeister: I like how sad all the mannequins look
Suibrom: haha yeah
Suibrom: I would be too
Phoemeister: like.... "you can put this on us, but we will not smile."
Suibrom: why does the "african native" look strangely like michael jackson?
Phoemeister: the mannequin they use for alfalfa, freedom afro, dennis
rodman, and don king looks like it's going to cry
Phoemeister: haha
Suibrom: and the "Discount tarzan dreads" and "marley dreads" are
exactly the same picture
Phoemeister: ROFLMAO
Phoemeister: they are
Phoemeister: I like how will smith is a woman
Suibrom: haha yeah
Phoemeister: haha, the sad mannequin's in afro super deluxe too, and
it's all the more hilarious to see the sad face just barely peaking
out of all the rainbow colored hair
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: the face looks kind of angry in the alfalfa one.
Like..... I did afro super deluxe..... but what the fuck?
Suibrom: I like how "bart simpson" looks abso-fucking-lutely nothing like it
Suibrom: same with "beavis"
Phoemeister: lol
Phoemeister: I haven't loaded it yet
Suibrom: last I checked, beavis doesn't have bright fucking orange hair
Phoemeister: I love how to get around copyright problems they call the
grinch the schrinch
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: "teenage magician" wtf? What fairy tale is that?
Phoemeister: and how they get annie the musical confused with a fairy tale
Suibrom: I like how there are 3 tiers of annie wigs
Phoemeister: and Kruell is obviously supposed to be cruella DeVil
Phoemeister: lol.... yeah, like really how much selection do you need?
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: the penguin is just a really sad bald man
Suibrom: "hmm I really want to look like annie, but I don't really
have the money for the full deal.. let's go with the bargain one"
Phoemeister: I bet if I go to historical figures the exact same photo
is there for ben franklin
Phoemeister: lol
Phoemeister: but I want the better bargain!
Phoemeister: YES
Phoemeister: japanese beast makes a reprise
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: LOL, I love the horribleness of the beavis, butthead, and bart
Suibrom: what kind of crazy purple haired pinnochio is that?
Phoemeister: I KNOW
Phoemeister: "gay pinocchio"
Phoemeister: "bargain gay pinnochio"
Phoemeister: "better bargain gay pinocchio"
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: discount sideburns!
Phoemeister: lol
Suibrom: oh noooo
Phoemeister: viking mustache?
Suibrom: I like the "biblical"
Phoemeister: I will pay you money to grow a beard like the biblical
Suibrom: or maybe.. "Discount beard m-55"
Suibrom: should I grow my hair out like that too?
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: I love how the pointed goatee is not pointed
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: the top kinda has some point things
Suibrom: it's all about the discount sideburns or the mutton chops though
Phoemeister: totally
Phoemeister: my mom grows her own sideburns
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: I always loved a woman with a handlebar moustache, sideburns,
and a smoker's cough
Phoemeister: I love how Willie Nelson is in with historical figures
Suibrom: hahaha
Suibrom: what the fuck
Phoemeister: LOL
Suibrom: since when did mark twain, and frederick douglass have purple hair?
Suibrom: and buffalo bill has a mullet
Phoemeister: you should get the buffalo bill set, and pretend it's the
other buffalo bill
Phoemeister: haha
Phoemeister: maybe they're going to hook up with pinnochio later
Suibrom: and it's scary that the "alber einstein" eybrows are wigs of their own
Phoemeister: "venetian man" what?
Phoemeister: yeah
Phoemeister: he had big eyebrows but not like that
Suibrom: haha look at the "deluxe mark twain"
Suibrom: the eybrows like.. curl down to his cheeks
Phoemeister: it wouldn't load for me :/
Suibrom: if youclick on it it does
Phoemeister: thanks for teaching me the ways of
Phoemeister: haha
Phoemeister: he looks like a schnauzer
Phoemeister: again, the mannequin looks very sad in the frederick douglas photo
Phoemeister: jackpot
Suibrom: I think it's funny that they have a "novelty wigs" section,
when all of these are pretty much novelty wigs
Phoemeister: lol
Phoemeister: I love the confused look on the president bush mannequin
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: and how they call sharon osbourn "oz mom" so that they
won't get sued
Suibrom: yeah
Phoemeister: haha, annie's in there again
Phoemeister: she's a celebrity!
Suibrom: I like how the two princess "leah"s are almost exactly the
same, just one picture is taken further away
Suibrom: if they're not exactly the same
Suibrom: which my eyes may just be messing with me on them
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: yeah
Phoemeister: I do enjoy the mispelling
Suibrom: yeah
Suibrom: that's a nice touch
Phoemeister: and how mo from the three stooges has purple hair again
Suibrom: haha yeah
Suibrom: he's totally punk rock
Suibrom: didn't you know
Phoemeister: lol
Phoemeister: do you know what I like to imagine? Someone actually
seriously using this website to like, shop for wigs via the internet
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: god I hope so
Suibrom: I need more people to mock
Phoemeister: yeah
Phoemeister: well you gotta figure they must sell some or they
would'nt have this whole elaborate setup

I love how the mohawk isn't even a mohawk
Phoemeister: haha, we both went to the same place
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: and the tupee looks like an alien
Suibrom: yeah the toupee is scary
Phoemeister: I love how there are a ton of women mannequins in the men
specialty wigs section
Suibrom: haha yeah
Phoemeister: and the long crew cut is like...... random sea urchin
hair in no way resembling a crew cut
Suibrom: they'r e part of the "long crew"
Phoemeister: haha

Phoemeister: I love how the gigantic behive is the marge simpson
pretty much from a different angle
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: why is the "1840" in the 20th century wigs?
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: I like the breathlass madonna. "Her hair looks like she
can't breathe!"
Suibrom: the barbie beehive looks nothing like a beehive
Phoemeister: I know
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: pony tail and beehive are so easy to get confused
Suibrom: "bargain drag queen" ?
Suibrom: what the hell?
Phoemeister: I love how that's in the woman's section
Phoemeister: wouldn't it be a man?
Suibrom: haha yeah
Suibrom: and it's a woman manaquin
Phoemeister: yes!
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: the screwed up names in the halloween section is awesome
Phoemeister: I would love to get one of these for halloween and be
like, "Hey, what's the matter? You don't reccognize 1840 when you see
Suibrom: "wolfrene"
Suibrom: "X movie"
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: I'm praying for japanese beast a third time
Suibrom: aww it's not in here
Phoemeister: pumpkin girl hat?
Phoemeister: wtf?
Phoemeister: awww
Suibrom: how does that "pirate wig" look like a pirate?
Phoemeister: I like how the cousin it is a stool
Phoemeister: I haven't loaded that yet
Phoemeister: haha, mad scientist is the same as fredrick douglas
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: it's not purple!
Suibrom: so he's am ad scientist
Phoemeister: he was an orator.......... AND HE PLAYED GOD
Phoemeister: oh
Phoemeister: it's against nature for your hair not to be purple!
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: "I have made an amazing scientific discovery! Non-purple
hair! muahahah"
Phoemeister: haha, the pirate wig is what I would call the joey
lawrence if it was lighter colored
Phoemeister: lol
Suibrom: why would you put the "rabbit wig" on the male head
Suibrom: especially the scary looking one
Phoemeister: I wonder why none of the batman stuff is misspelled
Phoemeister: LOL, i know
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: if that came to my party
Suibrom: it's totally like some child molester
Phoemeister: I'd be like, "no."
Suibrom: trying ot get into a kid's party
Phoemeister: ROFLMAO
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: hahahah
Suibrom: just look at it
Suibrom: I can't stop laughing
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: "I'm a child molester only I really suck at it, I
couldn't evne get a real bunny costumne"
Phoemeister: I KNOW
Phoemeister: me too
Phoemeister: every time I stop I look at it again
Suibrom: I just picture that guy coming to your front door "I'm here
for your son's birthday party"
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: I see him with nothing else on too
Suibrom: hahaha yeah
Suibrom: ah that is pure gold
Phoemeister: man
Phoemeister: maybe I should take down Ocean's 11 and put that up
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: it's kind of small though
Suibrom: I can't help but laugh every time I look at it
Phoemeister: I do love it though
Phoemeister: lol
Suibrom: yeah I tried to click on it to get a bigger one
Phoemeister: I think I'm kind of over it
Suibrom: but it takes me back tothe front page
Phoemeister: me too :/
Phoemeister: maybe I should put together a medly of my favorit wigs
Suibrom: is "WolfRene" one?
Phoemeister: haha
Suibrom: or maybe princess Leah
Phoemeister: it's alright
Phoemeister: yes, that one's awesome
Phoemeister: bart simpson
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: biblical beard
Suibrom: the rabbit one is just... awesome
Phoemeister: pumpkin girl
Phoemeister: I know
Suibrom: it's like he got this gay white fro wig, and glued some cheap
rabbit ears on it
Suibrom: "Surprise I'm a bunny!"
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: do you know what I love? The fact that you and I can
have like...... a 3 hour discussion on wigs
Phoemeister: and like a full hour of that is on a child molester bunny wig
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: yeah, i'm feeling much better now
Phoemeister: I'm glad
Suibrom: I don't hate people nearly as much when I can mock them incessantly
Phoemeister: lol
Suibrom: I like how the "bargain china doll" and the "china doll" look
like they're going to kiss
Suibrom: and the "Gina - china doll" looks all jealous
Phoemeister: haha, they really do
Phoemeister: she's sad!
Phoemeister: "I can't look"
Suibrom: yeah
Suibrom: she wants in on the othe china doll action
Suibrom: but they keep neglecting her
Phoemeister: but they don't want her
Phoemeister: "No pastels!"
Suibrom: and rabbit guy is jerking it looking through some little boy's window
Phoemeister: yeah
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: I just totally picture rolling over in bed
Suibrom: and just seeing that
Suibrom: through your window
Suibrom: just from like.. the shoulder up like that
Phoemeister: mad scientist looks like you just told him something he
didn't expect and he's like, "WHAT!?!?!?!"
Phoemeister: "....bunny guy did WHAT at a childrent's party!?"
Suibrom: hahah
Phoemeister: LOL.... it's like that burger king ad
Phoemeister: porcupine wig looks like, "Okay, can I just go back to
child molesting?"
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: I'm totally going to replace all those "wake up with the
king" burger king ads with that guy's face now
Phoemeister: pumpkin girl grows on me every time I see it
Suibrom: instead of that big scary king head
Suibrom: it's going ot be the naked guy with the rabbit wig
Phoemeister: yes
Phoemeister: which would still be pretty scary
Suibrom: haha yeah
Phoemeister: I love how crappy it is
Phoemeister: like the one ear looks like it's going to fall off
Suibrom: haha yeah
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: it's just soooo bad
Suibrom: so child molesterish
Suibrom: "I see you threw out your old easter costumes.. well I picked
them out and made my own"
Phoemeister: teenage musician is like, "Keep bunny guy away from me!"
Phoemeister: lol
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: blah I really should sleep
Suibrom: I'm going to go to bed and have terrible nightmares about rabbit guy
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: me too!
Phoemeister: ........or do you mean awesomeares/
Suibrom: man I'm going ot buy that wig
Suibrom: and bring it iwth me when I visist you
Suibrom: visit
Phoemeister: he'll try to molest you but you'll be laughing too hard
to fight him off
Suibrom: and wear it whe nI get off the plane
Phoemeister: lol.... wear it at the airport and convince rebecca that
I am a freak for letting you in my home
Phoemeister: haha, you beat me too it
Phoemeister: the thing is, though
Phoemeister: you wouldn't even have to buy it
Phoemeister: you could make that yourself
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: "take it off!"
"but I made it just for you...."
Suibrom: I'm not sure if that would be less funny or more
Suibrom: because I could totally come up with a terrible rabbit wig
Suibrom: even as bad as that
Phoemeister: hey, I spent an hour making that is less sad than I spent
fifty bucks on that
Suibrom: haha true
Suibrom: I wouldn't even spend an hour
Suibrom: though it might take me that long to find something that
passes as ugly curly white hair
Phoemeister: here's some $1 epoxy
Phoemeister: here's a wig
Phoemeister: here's some felt
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: haha
Suibrom: cotton balls!
Suibrom: i'm gonna use cotton balls
Phoemeister: lol, you're so sad
Suibrom: and some construction paper
Phoemeister: I wish it came in a different color
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: but then it wouldn't be pumpkin girl
Suibrom: haha " Popular style used as a base for a new costume idea "
Phoemeister: I know!
Phoemeister: what?
Suibrom: yeah I bet it's really popular
Phoemeister: popular?
Phoemeister: what new costume idea?
Suibrom: that's what it says in the description
Phoemeister: yeah, I did read that
Phoemeister: I just meant I was like, "popular?"
Suibrom: haha yeah
Phoemeister: "what new costume idea?" when I read it
Suibrom: popular with whom?
Phoemeister: child molesters
Suibrom: haha
Phoemeister: we can't all be bunny guys
Suibrom: that's a big demographic
Suibrom: wouldn't want to leave them out
Phoemeister: some of us have to make it in as pumpkin girls
Suibrom: yeah you go to a child molester convention and everyone has
the bunny wig
Suibrom: sometimes you just want to stand out
Phoemeister: that's what I'm saying!
Suibrom: haha
Suibrom: okay I really should sleep
Phoemeister: OH MY GOD
Phoemeister: wait just a sec
Suibrom: I will talk to you tomorrow :-D

Suibrom: enjoy your sweet rabbit dreams
Suibrom: whaaaaat
Phoemeister: tell me this guy didn't just throw more crappy hair on
top of his bunny wig:
Suibrom: hahahah
Suibrom: he's even got the ears still there
Phoemeister: haha, anyway, you can go to bed now, I just had to share
that with you
Suibrom: they're just covered with more crappy hair
Suibrom: hahaha
Phoemeister: I know!
Suibrom: "no no, really.. I'm a colonial noble!"
Suibrom: "i'm not a rabbit at all"
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: I started the convulsive laughter all over again
Suibrom: hahah yeah
Suibrom: man that's pure genius
Suibrom: I wonder if it comes off
Suibrom: and he's like "Fooled you, I really AM a rabbit!"
Phoemeister: lol
Suibrom: okay okay.. need sleep
Phoemeister: and then afterwards he takes the bunny off and is like,
"fooled you, I really AM a child molester"
Phoemeister: goodnight
Suibrom: hahah
Suibrom: good one :-D
Suibrom: night night, talk to you tomorrow
Phoemeister: indeed

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